
The 3 beads representing The Father, Son and Holy Ghost are made from your rose petals. You can choose from the Crucifix, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Guardian Angel, Saint Christopher (Patron Saint of Travelers) or most any other Patron Saint. Crafted using 1 rose.


The Zippee Key Ring is shown with a Guardian Angel medal hanging from your rose petal beads, which can have beads of your choice added. Crafted using 1 rose.


One bead made from your rose petals hangs from the bookmark. You can choose from the Crucifix, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Guardian Angel, Saint Christopher or most any other Patron Saint. Crafted using 1 rose.


3 beads representing the Father, Son and Holy Ghost hang from your loved one’s laminated prayer card. The beads can be made entirely from your rose petals or alternate with the fire polished faceted bead of your choice. Choose from either a Crucifix or medal of your favorite Patron Saint. Crafted using 1 rose. Please send your loved one's laminated prayer card with your roses.


One bead made from your rose petals hangs on this necklace. Choose either style of Doves. Comes with 18" Sterling Silver chain. Crafted using 1 rose.

*Prices subject to change without notice. All parts are base metal, unless otherwise specified.